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“Peaceful, thoughtful, calm, grounded, kind, inspirational, positive

I found every aspect of Stanter’s teachings and company an immensely positive, eye opening and almost unexpected experience. Undoubtedly I found every aspect of the course valuable in some form or another. Particularly dealing with unwanted thoughts and ‘running away with your thoughts’ which is something I have always found the most difficult in terms of meditation. I found her voice very calm and useful for guided meditations, as some voices on alternative guided meditations are hard for me resonate with. I also found the poems read at the end the mediations to be so beautiful and a really tranquil way to end mediation.

I feel as though my life has changed as I am (not all the time) but a lot more of the time, present. I spend a lot more living in the ‘now’ rather than wasting the present moment worrying about the future or fretting about the past. It makes all problems much more easy to deal with, and problems don’t end up being problems anyway. Stanter’s kind and caring soul shines through her teachings, which made my whole experience endearing and personal.  I ended the course with a strange feeling of immense love and patience toward myself, as well as general contentment, inspiration and hope. Thanks Stanter. “ Georgia Wilson

“I thoroughly enjoyed the mindfulness for Health course, it has helped me immensely. As an M.E. sufferer, I was mostly bed bound and unable to do even the basic things in life like taking a daily shower and brushing my teeth. I would lay in bed feeling angry, frustrated, depressed and I would cry myself to sleep.

  Once I started with the mindfulness I noticed small improvements.  I was able to brush my teeth twice a day, have a daily bath or shower and get dressed every day. I noticed I was aware of what I was thinking and feeling and not reacting to things as I used too. I wasn’t in as much pain and I somehow had more energy!

 Now two years on, my life has completely changed for the better.  I have a part time job at a bakery.  I am able to cook meals for my family and take my little boy to and from school, which I couldn’t before. I now know and accept that I cannot do what I used to do but with regular practice and having a mindful approach to daily living, I can live my life with a chronic illness and enjoy a good quality of life and be happy.” Lesley Jones

 "I enrolled on the Mindfulness for Stress course after struggling with depression for a few years, but particularly because I had returned to work after 6 months off with depression and anxiety.  As well as hoping that I would benefit personally from the course; I also teach adults many of whom suffer with mental illness.  I was not disappointed - the course was delivered in a caring and gentle way and has taught me to look at the world, and my life experience differently.  It has encouraged me to be non- judgemental of myself.  I would highly recommend this course and have already included some of the exercises in my teaching.  I am hoping this will help others to see and experience the huge benefits that being mindful can have.” Jo Mackriell


"I wanted to say thank you for the wonderful mindfulness course I have just been in with you. The course and you have given me so much to manage and enrich my life. I can feel a shift in how I deal with anxiety and I feel so much stronger than I did before. You have explained everything so well. You are very clear to understand and your knowledge of Mindfulness is outstanding. I am so happy that I completed this course and I would highly recommend your course to anyone suffering from mental difficulties, from stress or if you just want a different way to live. Thank you so much." Mandy Humphries


"I was lucky to attend a course led by Stanter for the organisation Breathworks. She delivered the course from her own authentic viewpoint & showed how mindfulness works from her perspective. She shared inspiration & approaches to real health and work challenges so everyone who attended gained something to take forward. She made the process quite simple. I would very much recommend her as a mindfulness professional." Mark Woodbridge

"I supported Stanter on a Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress course and found it a valuable experience. I learned a lot from Stanter's excellent delivery of guided meditations, her clear and patient explanations of the different theories, and was impressed at how she had a unique insightful answer for any questions that were raised in the class. Stanter's teaching style helped to create a warm, non-judgemental atmosphere for the course which really helped to facilitate discussion and sharing, and ensured that mindfulness was taught sensitively and appropriately. Stanter effortlessly embodies mindfulness in her demeanour and this really radiates in her classes." Nick Ellerington

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